Tatiana P. Dronova
Was born on December, 20th, 1954 in Tambov region. In 1983 has ended Michurinsk fruit-and-vegetable institute on a speciality «Book keeping and the management accountancy». In 1999 has ended courses of improvement of qualification at institute of professional accountants of Russia about assignment of m of qualification «the professional chief accountant». In 2000 – the winner of competition «the Best accountant of Russia 2000». Education: Financial academy at the Government of Russian Federation of Moscow, a speciality – finance and credit, qualification - economist. Work places and positions: Has a medal «In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow» (1997), the Russian Open Society certificate of honour «UES of Russia» (1998), the Medal «Deserved worker of the Uniform power system of Russia »(1999) |