Samara-district governer Vladimir Artyakov visited Co.Ltd. Togliatti Transformator


Samara-district governer Vladimir Artyakov visited Co.Ltd. Togliatti Transformator. It is one of the most first-string manufacturer at post-Soviet area, that produces high-voltage transformers.

Topline customers and distributors of transformer machinery produced by Co.Ltd. Togliatti Transformator are power industry companies including electric power industry and also oil and gas industry, metallurgy industry, chemical industry, military industrial complex and others. Power equipment manufactured in Togliatti is used more that in 50 countries.

Vladimir Artyakov visited several shopfloors, talked to production workers. He was much conserned with salary maintenance, social benefits and others. Afterwards he stressed, that Co.Ltd. Togliatti Transformator is a “smooth water” of Togliatti industry.